Aeroponics – Marijuana Dictionary

by | Jun 14, 2023 | Marijuana dictionary | 0 comments

Aeroponics, a cultivation technique used for growing cannabis, involves suspending the plant’s roots in a chamber and misting them with water. This method is commonly employed to initiate cannabis clones, allowing for the development of robust root systems before transferring them to soil or another growing medium.

For instance, someone might say, “I acquired an aeroponic cloner to eliminate the need for root cubes” or “Aeroponics guarantees that your clones will have a healthy and vigorous start.”

What is Aeroponics?

Aeroponics, an effective technique for initiating cannabis clones, facilitates the development of robust root systems before transferring them to soil or another growing medium. This method involves suspending the clone ends in a chamber and spraying them with nutrient-rich water. The increased oxygen exposure promotes quicker and more efficient root growth.

Cloners, the systems that employ aeroponics, are renowned for their high success rate compared to traditional methods involving root cubes, trays, and domes. These systems, which can be purchased or DIY using a five-gallon bucket, offer a greater likelihood of healthy and strong cannabis plants as a significant percentage of clones placed in the cloner successfully root and thrive.

How does Aeroponics Work?

Aeroponics functions through a cloner, which is a water-tight tank equipped with specific components. These include a reservoir for holding water, a pump for circulating the water, multiple nozzles to spray the bottoms of clones, and foam collars for securing the clones.

To begin the process, several clones are taken, and foam collars are placed around them. The clones with collars are then positioned in the top section of the cloner, ensuring a watertight seal to prevent water from spraying out.

The reservoir is filled with water, and nutrients are added to create a nutrient-rich solution. The cloner’s lid is secured, ensuring no open holes are present. The pump is plugged in, and it starts spraying the bottoms of the clones with the nutrient solution. It is advisable to use a timer to prevent the clones from being continuously saturated and to control the cloner’s internal temperature, which can become too hot if the pump runs continuously.

Within a timeframe of 5 to 14 days, the clones should successfully develop roots in the aeroponic cloner, ready to be transplanted into a growing medium or soil.

Enrico Bratta

Enrico Bratta

Medical cannabis professional based in Phuket, Thailand.


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