How To Properly Juice Cannabis?

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Marijuana Insights | 0 comments

A healthy and balanced diet must include fruits and vegetables, but it can be challenging to get enough leafy greens. Because of this, a lot of people juice their greens; but, have you ever thought about juicing your raw cannabis leaves and buds? Cannabis is a complete protein that offers a wonderful mix of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in its raw form, which is a necessary nutritional supplement. Additionally, cannabis juice is simple to create and store at home as long as you have access to fresh leaves and a juicer.

Northern California doctor Dr. William Courtney has worked with over 7,000 medicinal marijuana patients while researching the nutritional benefits of cannabis. The ability of cannabis to strengthen our immune systems, operate as an anti-inflammatory, increase bone metabolism, and even strengthen neural function has led Dr. Courtney to feel that cannabis is the most significant vegetable on the planet.

If you use any prescription medications or antibiotics, you should see a doctor before juicing cannabis. If you have problems with your kidneys or gallbladder or are on medicine to thin your blood, juicing might not be the best choice for you. However, if you believe that juicing marijuana is the best course of action for your health and you’re seeking for advice on how to get started, here are five things to take into account:

Difference in Cannabinoid Reaction

Contrary to popular belief, raw cannabis does not actually contain large concentrations of the psychoactive compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), which is what is produced when cannabis is still fresh, undergoes a process known as decarboxylation in which it is transformed into THC.

You shouldn’t anticipate any sizable euphoric effects from ingesting cannabis juice because the raw plant has very little THC.


You must always use freshly harvested leaves while juicing cannabis. The material from older plants is more likely to be exposed to oxygen, degrade, and lose its nutrients. When a plant is in flower, the third week of flowering is often regarded as the finest time to harvest it.

Choose the inner of the plant’s leaves rather than the outside fan leaves, which will assist your plant develop and flourish by absorbing all the sunshine.

The Instrument & Method

Try This person Using a wheatgrass juicer like this one is advised by Mandee Lee. To prevent your juicer from being clogged, wheatgrass juicers are preferable for juicing more fibrous ingredients. Additionally, an electric juicer is preferable to a hand crank one because it requires more marijuana (about 15 leaves) and is more physically demanding on your arms.

Technique-wise, it’s critical to consistently rejuice the pulp. Since you’re using so much plant material, you’ll get more juice out of it, and every little bit helps. Before juicing, you should also give your cannabis leaves a five-minute soak in cold water. In order for the plant to fully access its nutrients, the pores are opened. The stems should not be juiced as they contain a lot of fiber and may clog the juicer.

Consumption and Storage

The flavor of freshly juiced cannabis is tangy, bright, and reminiscent of a wheatgrass shot. However, not everyone appreciates the taste, so diluting it with water or coconut water can make it more palatable. To slightly blend the flavor, you can also add another kind of vegetable or green juice (such as carrot juice).

For up to three days, cannabis juice can be kept in a sealed container in the refrigerator. The simplest thing to do is to freeze the juice because you probably won’t be able to pick and juice on a regular basis.

Although estimates for how long it keeps in the freezer range from one to three months, freezing will undoubtedly increase the shelf life of your cannabis juice. Without even tasting the difference, you may easily add a cube to your smoothie or other juice preparations.


The best course of action is to find a nearby grower and inquire if you may use their excess trim as most dispensaries are unable to provide cannabis trim to their patients or clients. The majority of farmers waste their trim, so there’s a strong possibility they’ll give it to you if you’ll use it wisely. Make sure it is organic and devoid of pesticides. You can always cultivate your own (if it’s legal in your state) if you don’t have access to a nearby grower. You have the most access and freedom to choose and harvest whenever you like because of this.


Prepare Time:

– 5 to 10 min.


– 2 cups of kale or spinach
– 1 cup of water (any type of milk may be substituted)
– One banana
– 1 cup of frozen fruit, preferably strawberries or blueberries, but any fruit will do.
– 1 serving of fresh or frozen canna-juice
Protein powder, peanut butter, hemp, chia, and flax seeds, yogurt, lemon juice, turmeric, honey, ginger, and chocolate are all optional add-ons.


1.Put your cup of water or milk and your spinach or kale into the blender.

2. Blend all of the leafy greens entirely for 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and green.

3. Include the banana, frozen fruit, canna juice, and any additional ingredients you want to test.

4. After another two to three minutes of blending, the mixture should be smooth.

5. Pour into a cup, then sip.


Enrico Bratta

Enrico Bratta

Medical cannabis professional based in Phuket, Thailand.


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Medical cannabis professional based in Phuket, Thailand.